
Date Opponent(s) Result Earned Seed Points Opponent W-L Caption Location Transportation
12/7/24 @ opponent-logo Freeman Academy/Marion 3:30 PM 0-0

Game at Freeman Academy 3:30 JV, Varsity to follow

Freeman Academy
12/12/24 vs opponent-logo Avon 6:00 PM 0-0

Colome High School Gym
12/14/24 vs opponent-logo Corsica-Stickney 2:30 PM 0-0

Colome High School Gym
12/17/24 @ opponent-logo Jones County 6:30 PM 0-0

Jones County High School Jones County Harold Thune Auditorium
1/9/25 vs opponent-logo Kimball/White Lake 4:00 PM 0-0

Colome High School Gym
1/11/25 vs opponent-logo Kadoka Area 2:00 PM 0-0

Colome High School Gym
1/16/25 vs opponent-logo Burke 6:30 PM 0-0

Colome High School Gym
1/24/25 vs opponent-logo Gayville-Volin 5:15 PM 0-0

Colome High School Gym
1/30/25 vs opponent-logo White River 6:30 PM 0-0

Colome High School Gym
1/31/25 @ opponent-logo Platte-Geddes 6:30 PM 0-0

Platte-Geddes Elementary and Multi-Purpose Room
2/7/25 vs opponent-logo Andes Central/Dakota Christian 3:30 PM 0-0

Colome High School Gym
2/17/25 @ opponent-logo Gregory 6:30 PM 0-0

JV 6:30

Gregory Memorial Auditorium

Seed Point Average for Colome: 0.000

Seed Points Metrics

* Seed points awarded based on opponent's win percentage (opponent's wins divided by opponent's number of games played):
Opponent Win Percentage Points For Win Points For Loss
0.75 - 1.00 50 39
0.50 - 0.749 47 36
0.25 - 0.499 44 33
0.00 - 0.249 41 30
  • Class AA teams are deducted two points for each contest played against a Class A opponent and three points for each contest played against a Class B opponent
  • Class B teams receive an additional two points for each contest played against as Class A opponent and three points for each contest played against a Class AA opponent
  • Contests played against non-varsity opponents do not count towards seed points
  • A team’s seed points average is determined by dividing the total number of seed points earned by the total number of contests played against varsity opponents (regardless of the opponent’s classification)
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